Getting the school year off to a FLYING start!
A number of years a go my mentor mentioned to me to look out for the week 3 crash of the new school year, that is when kids start to get sick. True to her word, I noticed my kids faltering during that time.
With this new information, I was able to be proactive rather than reactive and therefore their dips were either non existent or just little blips.
There is a very clear reason why this happens and it is STRESS. Stress has a very powerful effect on the immune system and I think as parents we need to recognise this, especially in today’s modern fast paced world.
credit: Element 5 Digital
Every child may present this differently, so your observational skills here are paramount. At the end of the day, no one is going to know your child like you do.
What we want to do, is be proactive and supportive. Whilst there are many ways to do this, nutrition is a powerful tool that can be used to bring everything back into balance, especially if standards have slipped over the holiday period. This applies to me too, so don’t think I’m exempt from this.
6 Nutrition Boosting tips to get the school year starting right:
1. Greatly reduce refined sugar and processed food. Whole and real food ONLY
2. Consume the rainbow in terms of vegetables and dare I say minimise the amount of fruit eaten, typically no more than 1-2 pieces of fruit a day.
3. Include a protein and fat source at every meal
4. Reduce the amount of bread and grains consumed. Try to limit to 1 meal a day ensuring they are properly prepared
5. Ensure they are drinking adequate clean water daily. Not only is this needed to ensure hydration, but to help eliminate the rubbish that has been built up in the body.
6. Include a healing nutrition daily in the form of fermented food/drink, broth, hydrolysed collagen
Now that we got the food element sorted, scientific research informs us that our beliefs and thoughts drive our emotional wellbeing and thus our overall health.
Therefore, not only do we need to nourish their bodies physically with great nutrition, but also help nourish their mind by supporting them to develop an empowering set of beliefs and a healthy self esteem.
The question I have for you, are you the living example? Our kids learn by observation, not by being told what to do. They will model what is shown to them. I learnt this the hard way. For a long time it was “my way or the highway”
Are you physically nourishing your body?
Do you a have a healthy set of beliefs and self esteem that empowers you reach your potential?
If not, and you want to put the oxygen mask on your face first, which is what I highly recommend, you may want to check out my Mums Mindset Rest Program.
To further empower your toolbox, should your child get sick, there are so many options available that do not include over the counter. Keep a look out for my “Natures Natural First Aid & Medicine” Workshop. To get more details, email
Chantal is an Accredited and Certified Nutrition & Wellness Coach with a very special interest helping busy and overwhelmed mums transform the health of their family using gut healing nutrition and transformational mindset practices.
- Accredited Certificate of Nutrition & Super Nutrition, special focus on Childhood Nutrition - Cadence Health
- Certified Level 1 & 2 Wellness Coaching - Wellness Coaching Australia
- MINDD Forum Health Coach - Mindd Foundation
- Accredited Real Healthy Kids Facilitator having personally trained with Sally Gray ND
- Clinical Evidence Based EFT Practitioner - Evidence Based EFT