Lets talk motivation
As a coach it is not my job to motivate you, but I can help you find the motivation that resides inside you.
“You’ll see it when you believe it” - Wayne Dwyer
Our beliefs are shaping our thoughts, which activate feelings which informs our actions that ultimately results in the CURRENT REALITY. So it stands to reason that we cannot just make change at the behaviour/ action/doing level because what is underpinning that is the BELIEF.
If you hear me bang on enough, you will know that I always talk about the ROOT CAUSE, in this case the root cause is the belief. Action level is still symptom management and a very surface level approach with short term results.
Quite often it is not about needing more information, because you already know what you should be doing, but not doing it. The information just sparks off motivation to get you started, but does not seal the deal for in terms of a long term change.
You have to ask yourself, where is the motivation for change coming from? Is it fear based or development based?
So what is it that motivates us?
There are 2 types of fear based motivation:
Deficiency based, aka lack.
This type of motivation shows up in ‘SHOULDs’. I should exercise today, I should eat this broccoli. The person is not doing the ‘right action’ because they truly want to do it, but because an external source of pressure says do it.
Threat based
This type of motivation can propel us to action because of known, unknown threats, illness avoidance or environmental threats. It is my observation that this is more post people operate from.
Quite often with this type of fear based motivation, it may get you started but does not stack up in terms of long term sustainable change. The challenge will always be to continue to behave in the ‘healthier new way’.
Someone will usually begin wellness coaching with someone because they tried the ‘solo’ route many times and have been unsuccessful.
What if we took a different perspective and looked at development based motivation?
Development based motivation is really aimed at personal growth and is based on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs with the view that all of us have a need to actualise our potential.
“One can choose to go toward safety or forward towards growth. Growth must be chosen again and again, fear must be overcome again and again” - Abraham Maslow
Jay Kimiecik, author of the book “The Intrinsic Exerciser” says that some of best motivation comes from within. It is an outer expression of an inner motivation, the internal drive to be more of who we truly are.
Another view point for motivation is where is it coming from, Love or Fear?
Truly ask, where is the motivation coming from? One based on love is more than likely going to lead to the long term sustainable change you were after and provide a sense of accomplishment, self confidence and self esteem. Motivation based on fear will keep you stuck on the never ending cycle of starting and never finishing, otherwise known as lack and limitation.
Overall summary for motivation:
It is either fear based on development based
There are 2 types of fear based motivation:
Fear based motivation gets you started, but is not sustainable for long term change
Development based motivation is based on personal growth, love and self-actualisation
In essence the question to ask yourself is, “Where is my motivation coming from?” and “Can I achieve this alone?”
If you are sick and tired of the solo journey and ready to get results fast, then email me on info@chantalkhoury.com.au for a FREE chat.
If you want to carry on the conversation and start your health transformation journey, then join me in the FB Group, Empowered Mums. Just click the link below:
Chantal is a Certified & Accredited Nutrition & Wellness Coach on a mission to empower mothers and women to show up as the best version of themselves physically and mentally so that they can empower the next generation with health and resiliency. She has a special interest in healing nutrition and mindset transformation.