The Psoriasis Diet
If you have psoriasis, you might be wondering, “should I follow a psoriasis diet?”
Psoriasis is another highly inflammatory skin condition, therefore it becomes incredibly important to not only manage the symptoms of the condition, but also reduce the triggers which may include weather, excess stress and certain foods.
This article is going to describe a basic psoriasis diet that you could follow to help alleviate your symptoms, concentrating on foods to avoid and how to treat psoriasis with diet.
Step 1 – Psoriasis Diet: Foods to avoid
All foods that trigger inflammation needs to be removed from the diet to provide the body a window of healing time.
Over a period of 1 – 2 weeks, start reducing inflammatory foods such as those listed below.
Dairy including eggs and red meat.
These foods contain a polyunsaturated fatty acid arachidonic acid. Research as shown that by-products of arachidonic acid may play a role in creating psoriasis flair ups.
Another highly inflammatory food that is best removed as well as ALL gluten containing foods . It has been found that people with psoriasis have a greater probability of a gluten intolerance or sensitivity.
Gluten-Rich Foods to avoid
wheat and wheat derivatives
rye, barley, and malt
pasta, noodles, and baked goods containing wheat, rye, barley, and malt
certain processed foods
certain sauces and condiments
beer and malt beverages
Sugar increases inflammation especially refined white sugar and are best avoided when treating psoarisis with diet.
You may be wondering what this is and how can it affect my psoriasis flare ups? Nightshades are a family of vegetables (the Solanaceae family) that contain a naturally occurring chemical called solanine which may cause inflammation.
Foods to avoid include:
If removal of all of the above foods do not provide relief from the symptoms of psoriasis, then you may also want to consider removing:
Citrus fruits such as grapefruits, oranges, lemons and limes
I can already hear your mind screaming, ‘so what can I eat' ?
Let’s focus on what foods are best included when treating psoriasis with diet.
If the above list focused on removing ALL inflammation causing foods, we then want to focus on inflammation fighting foods.
Step 2 - Treating psoriasis with diet:
For everything you take out of your diet, you need to add back sufficient calories, and at least equivalent macronutrients and micronutrients.
That’s because vitamins, minerals and plant factors are essential for managing inflammatory conditions.
As you reduce inflammatory foods listed above, you need to introduce more of the anti-inflammatory foods listed below.
Fresh Fruit and vegetables (excluding any listed above) – these are said to be very high in antioxidants which aids in fighting inflammation.
Specific foods to include:
broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts
leafy greens, such as kale, spinach, and arugula
berries, including blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries
cherries, grapes, and other dark fruits
Fatty fish
These types of fish are high in omega 3 fatty acids which decreases inflammation.
Fish to include:
Healthy Oils
Like fatty fish, certain oils are said also contain the anti-inflammatory fatty acids.
Oils to include:
Olive oil
Coconut oil
Flaxseed oil
Wrapping it up:
Whilst there is a very long list of foods to avoid and include your diet, this is not where treating psoriasis ends. There is more important work to do.
Any food elimination protocol is short term, to provide the body a window of healing whilst treating the ROOT CAUSES which include:
Nutritional deficiencies and healing the gut
Removing internal & external toxins
Managing stress, mindset & emotional wellbeing
Obviously making these changes can be complicated, and that’s why working specialist support is essential.
If you are going to go to the trouble of making dietary and other changes to reduce psoriasis flare ups, then you might as well do it properly! Not only that, you speed up the process and get results faster! Who doesn’t want that!!
If you are interested in knowing how I can support you making the necessary changes to treat the root causes, then email me at or message me through my contact page.
Chantal is a Certified & Accredited Nutrition & Wellness Coach who has a very special interest in helping mum’s transform the health of their family through nutrition and transformational wellness practices.